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Foundations Of Digital Marketing And E-Commerce [Week 3]

In today’s digital age, businesses of all sizes are expected to have a strong online presence in order to succeed. Google’s “Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce” course on Coursera is a valuable resource for individuals and organizations looking to improve their digital marketing skills. However, the third week of the course can be particularly challenging for those new to the subject. In this article, we will provide solutions and insights to help you navigate and successfully complete week 3 of Google’s “Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce” course. From understanding the fundamentals of digital marketing to developing a strong online presence, we will help you overcome the hurdles of week 3 and set you on the path to success.

Test your knowledge: The value of brands for digital marketing

Question 1

Which of the following describes a brand?

  • The people that work for a business or organization
  • The perception the public has about a business or organization
  • The services a business provides its customers
  • The things a business sells, like clothing, software, or entertainment
Question 2

Which of the following are examples of factors that can influence a brand? Select all that apply.

  • Culture
  • Design elements
  • Values
  • Products sold
Question 3

Which of the following statements are true about the relationship between branding and marketing? Select all that apply.

  • A company can put many resources into a digital marketing strategy, but without a strong brand identity, they will not be memorable.
  • A brand is the foundation of a successful digital marketing strategy, but digital marketing can also affect public perception of a brand.
  • A company can have great values and amazing products, but they still need marketing to build brand recognition and drive sales.
  • A brand is the only thing needed to drive sales and sell products and services to customers, but many companies use digital marketing when it is unnecessary.
Question 4

Which of the following is the value consumers attribute to one brand’s offerings when compared with similar products from another brand?

  • Brand identity
  • Brand personality
  • Brand positioning
  • Brand equity
Question 5

Which of the following describes the concept of brand equity?

  • How much customers are willing to pay for a brand that is on sale over a brand they know and trust
  • How much customers are willing to pay for a brand they do not already know to try something new
  • How much customers are willing to pay for a new brand with interesting packaging over a brand they know and trust
  • How much more customers are willing to pay for the brand they know and trust over another brand that makes an identical product

Test your knowledge: Create a digital marketing and e-commerce strategy

Question 1

What is a digital marketing strategy?

  • A social media post that reaches new customers
  • A method for prioritizing a brand’s overall business objectives
  • A research framework for answering questions about customers
  • A plan for achieving specific goals through online channels
Question 2

What step comes after there is a digital marketing strategy in place?

  • Create content to run campaigns
  • Create customer personas
  • Conduct research about competitors
  • Set marketing-specific goals
Question 3

How does a marketing goal compare to a business goal?

  • A marketing goal affects an entire company.
  • A marketing goal is bigger and long-term.
  • A marketing goal defines a brand’s business goals.
  • A marketing goal is smaller and more targeted.
Question 4

Which of the following are examples of marketing goals? Select two.

  • Improving customer service
  • Increasing email conversions
  • Raising productivity
  • Enhancing brand awareness
Question 5

To connect marketing goals to business goals, what qualities must the goals share? Select two.

  • They are both specific.
  • They are both short-term.
  • They are both long-term.
  • They are both measurable.

Test your knowledge: Reach customers online

Question 1

What is earned media?

  • Digital promotion that a brand pays to put online
  • Digital content that a brand fully controls
  • Positive digital exposure generated through personal or public recommendations
  • Promoted links that appear at the top of a search page
Question 2

Which of the following factors does a search engine use to rank results? Select all that apply.

  • Quality
  • Computer type
  • Relevance
  • Internet speed
Question 3

What search engine optimization (SEO) practice includes identifying common search terms and phrases consumers use to find products or services online?

  • Creating quality content
  • Adopting a user-friendly website structure
  • Conducting keyword research
  • Purchasing paid media ads
Question 4

What is search engine marketing (SEM)?

  • The process of generating traffic to a website from results that users receive when they perform a search
  • The process of generating traffic to a website through paid ads that appear in search engine results
  • The set of practices designed to keep content useful and usable for customers
  • The set of practices designed to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to a website
Question 5

Which paid advertising model charges a business every time someone clicks on their ad?

  • Maximum-bid ads
  • Minimum-bid ads
  • Third-party ads
  • Pay-per-click ads
Question 6

Fill in the blank: Remarketing is an important part of digital marketing because it allows a brand to _____.

  • recapture the attention of people who are already interested in the brand
  • be more visible to potential customers through search engine listings
  • drive website traffic to the brand’s social media channels
  • encourage website visitors to make a purchase before they leave the website

Test your knowledge: Engage customers with social media and email marketing

Question 1

Tracking and analyzing social media conversations and mentions related to a brand is an example of which pillar of social media marketing?

  • Paid social media
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Social listening and engagement
  • Planning and publishing
Question 2

Which of the following are advantages of using paid social media ads? Select all that apply.

  • Expanding a brand’s reach
  • Customizing email content for individual subscribers
  • Remarketing products
  • Serving ads to highly specific customer groups
Question 3

What is email marketing?

  • Sending messages to a list of existing subscribers to share information, drive sales, or create community
  • Focusing on a company’s brand or reputation to increase credibility and loyalty
  • Creating and publishing content for platforms like Instagram or Twitter to drive engagement and promote a brand or product
  • Making a plan for achieving specific goals through online channels to support and advance business objectives
Question 4

Fill in the blank: Dividing an email subscriber list into smaller groups based on criteria like interests, location, or purchase history is called _____.

  • spam
  • email personalization
  • email segmentation
  • paid social media
Question 5

Which of the following are examples of email personalization? Select all that apply.

  • Following up on previous interactions
  • Sending messages that match where customers are in the marketing funnel
  • Addressing each recipient directly
  • Sending unwanted emails out in bulk to a mass recipient list

Weekly Challenge 3

Question 1

Which of the following factors can influence a brand? Select all that apply.

  • Culture
  • Products
  • Design elements
  • Values
Question 2

Which of the following statements best describe how a company’s brand and marketing work together? Select all that apply.

  • A company’s brand identity changes with its marketing strategy.
  • A company’s brand is the foundation for its marketing strategy.
  • A company’s marketing strategy defines its brand identity.
  • A company’s marketing strategy can help a business build its brand.
Question 3

Fill in the blank: When setting a digital marketing strategy, it’s important to learn about your customers and _____ before picking your channels

  • manage customer relationships
  • allocate a budget
  • create marketing content
  • set meaningful goals
Question 4

What is a small, targeted objective that is specific to promotional activities?

  • Customer goal
  • Marketing goal
  • Revenue goal
  • Business goal
Question 5

A travel business wants to increase its number of active customers by 10% over the next six months. To do that, they will add new features that make it easier for customers to book a trip online.

What type of goal is this?

  • Customer service goal
  • Marketing goal
  • Business goal
  • Product goal
Question 6

Which of the following are examples of owned media? Select all that apply.

  • Whitepapers
  • eBooks
  • Paid social media ads
  • Video ads
Question 7

A marketer is considering the pros and cons of paid search. Which of the following is an advantage of paid search ads?

  • It produces results quickly.
  • They don’t disappear when you stop paying for them.
  • It produces results slowly.
  • It lasts longer than SEO.
Question 8

A business owner grows their email lists by linking ads to email sign-up forms. They contact customers directly and inform them about special promotions.

Which one of the five pillars of social media marketing does this represent?

  • Paid social media
  • Listening
  • Reporting
  • Strategy
  • Publishing
Question 9

What helps brands avoid coming across as spammers? Select all that apply.

  • Email personalization
  • Paid ads
  • Email segmentation
  • Bulk emails
Question 10
  • Run a different email for every single subscriber
  • Avoid asking customers for their opinion
  • Follow up on previous interactions
  • Send promotions for special events like birthdays and holidays

What can businesses do to personalize their emails to customers? Select all that apply.

Question 11

A brand decides to use email marketing as part of its digital marketing strategy. What will email marketing help this business do? Select all that apply.

  • Create community
  • Analyze performance
  • Share information
  • Drive sales

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Saksham Bhargava

Saksham is a tech enthusiast who loves talking about new gadgets and innovations. He loves travelling, particularly to places not frequented by tourists. In his free time, you will find Saksham beating the phone at PUBG Mobile or streaming new highly-rated TV series.