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How To Convert Web Page To PDF

If you want to save a web page so that you can view it later while you’re offline or if you’re going to have a copy of it so that it can be easily shared with others or send to a printer, converting it into a PDF file can make things smooth. Chrome and Safari come with built-in tools to create PDF files, but extra software is needed if you use Firefox or Internet Explorer. Adobe Acrobat provides the most inclusive web page capturing options if you can access it.

Method 1: Online Converter

There are a number of conversion websites available on the Internet that are able to convert a website into different formats. These websites can be used to access blocked websites on the Internet. For example, there is a website called https://webpagetopdf.com/, which converts any URL into a PDF document and makes it accessible for the users to download it. For example, let us assume that the BBC website (https://www.bbc.co.uk/) is blocked in your company or college, and you want to read a news story on this website. In this case, all you need to do is use the website WEBPAGE TO PDF to convert the blocked webpage on the Internet into its PDF version.

STEP 1: Open your browser and connect to https://webpagetopdf.com/ and type the URL that you want to convert into a PDF document in the space provided. In this case, I have typed the website address www.bbc.co.uk.

Web Page To PDFPin

STEP 2: Within a few seconds, the website WEBPAGE TO PDF will allow you to download a PDF version of the requested webpage, which you can download and read even though your local firewall may block the requested URL.

Web Page To PDFPin

Similarly, there is another website https://www.url2png.com/ which allows users to convert a webpage into a PNG format image.

This website can also be used to access blocked websites on the Internet by fooling the local firewall. Another cool website that allows you to take snapshots of various websites on the Internet is https://browsershots.org.

Unfortunately, like the translation or archiving websites, these format conversion websites can easily be blocked as well.

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Saksham Bhargava

Saksham is a tech enthusiast who loves talking about new gadgets and innovations. He loves travelling, particularly to places not frequented by tourists. In his free time, you will find Saksham beating the phone at PUBG Mobile or streaming new highly-rated TV series.